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So! I shall try to tell the tale of how SpaceWillie2000 became CyberStubby.

In 2019 I was working in Oregon to try and get me and my fiancee, and our Chihuahua, back to Skagway, Alaska where we had been the year prior for seven years.

I was working at Bailey’s Grass and Seed in Salem, Oregon, staying with my half-brother and his family. And Kersaundra, my fiancee. And Gwenny, our chihuahua. So! I go to work one morning, with my gummies and my rockstar, and as usual everyone was on break when I showed up.

I joined the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game they had going, and stomped my coworkers rather thoroughly. First order of the day, we got rolling on it and loaded a whole flatbed in two hours.

Afterward, me and Cyrus went to clean out the auger bin on one of the hopper machines. I thought he’d said he was going to go around to the other side and open the trap door, so we could empty out what the auger didn’t get and bag it up.


That’s not what happened.

I had my hands in the grain bin, pushing stuff down toward the chute at the bottom when the blade spun up. I jerked my left hand back faster than my right, and my wrist got caught between the auger and the chute it ran up. Slammed to a stop like a wrench thrown in an engine.

A wrench made of bone and meat.

That happened to be attached to my right arm.

So! I let out a holler, got Cyrus to shut off the machine, then calmed myself down with a little deep breathing. I was now on my way to death. I had to be level headed. So, I stopped crying, and panicing, and took charge, issuing instructions.

Cyrus got to find out how to make the auger turn backwards without turning it on.

Edgar got to take off his belt and wrap my arm tight enough that it all but stopped the blood flow.

Everyone else handled asking important questions for the ambulance peoples coming from Salem/Keiser Hospital to save me.

So, the blade spun backwards, slowly, by hand, and pressure was relieved. I thought I’d be good, until my hand fell off in to the grain bin. I continued cracking jokes, and making light of the situation, reassuring people it was just an accident, and I’d be fine, while literally counting breaths until I bled out.

I stared Death in the eyes, and not only laughed, but told stories, and poked fun.

When the ambulance showed up, they rushed me to the hospital, but that’s about as far as I remember. Talking to my brother on the phone as they wheeled me through the doors on a stretcher. 1 hour later in the air and I was transported to OHSU’s transplant ward.

13 hours of surgery and a shortened artery due to cutting out a blood clot later, I woke up to the sound of my fiancee coming in to my room in tears, along with my brother, mom and brother’s family, Stacy, and Gwenny.

I had won the fight, and I had fought with a grin. Since then, I’ve been trying to document every day to the fullest, and live my life as if it’s worth living. Screw-ups and all.

Wanna watch with me? Your guess of what will happen next is as good as mine.

But I will keep speaking life to life, and living the best life I can for myself and those I hold dear.

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Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Don’t talk to others like they are less than yourself.
  • Don’t just show up and drop a hundred links to your merch or your channel. This is a house for growth, not bots and greed.
  • Don’t assume you know anything. The Delphic oracle said Socrates was the wisest of men, not because of what he knew, but because he understood that he knew nothing.
  • Think deeper than pre-programmed ideologies. The democrat party is not your friend, Republicans have no idea what america wants, just what Democrats want and they rebel against that.
  • Where We Go One, We Go All. If you’re following me, you have a vested interest in my goings-on. However, I am me. If something I do or say offends you, I hope that you will actually try speaking to me about it like a normal human being. Respect is given, but like Tom Macdonald says, “I can’t let hurt feelings somehow influence my influence”. I will fight to bring you the truest life and knowledge I can.
  • I’m 40 years old. If I ain’t in to it by now, I ain’t gonna get in to it. That said, if I ain’t done it, it’s probably because I know people who have died doing it. These lessons leave scars. If you ask, I’ll tell you about them. Maybe even make a whole episode about them. If you don’t ask, I’ll spare you the details and stick to the abbreviated lessons.

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